Welcome to the Creatures section of this Masters guide! Here I will be listing for you the most potentially dangerous/life-saving creatures in 6v6 Masters.
Before our discussion, I have to inform you that you will recognize most of these cards to be support creatures. Though there are very many influential cards that are built for combat, 'fighter' cards vary with each deck. Support creatures generally are more versatile, especially these creatures I am about to list to you.
I am convinced that Hune Paltanin is currently the best creature card in current Masters play. There are two reasons to her strength as a support creature.
1. Her stats are fairly impressive. Her Wisdom is off the hook, and her other Disciplines aren't bad either. Though 45 energy isn't particularly threatening, by having 0 elements it is possible to boost her to 65 with an Ikkatosh AK. 65 energy, a dagger or something seems like a fighter's stats to me. On top of all this she has 2 Mugic Counters that can help purchase your Mugic Cards, since you won't need to reserve MCs on her for an activated ability.
2. Hune Paltanin has what we call a Triggered ability, and a good one too. Every time your opponent spends a Mugic Counter, she heals for 10 damage. Oh my! Let's break this down. First, spending Mugic Counters potentially happens more than gaining them(suck it Najarin FF), because creatures start out with Mugic Counters to spend. Second, a large portion of burn cards/abilities are about 10 damage per Mugic Counter, in which case she would completely negate. Thirdly, her ability is to a target. Yes, it may mean you can't heal untargetable cards, though those creatures probably aren't receiving burn anyway. What it does mean is that it isn't limited to combat or creatures in combat, and can be dished out to a different creature each time it is triggered. Finally, and most importantly, this ability will STILL WORK even after Ice Disks, Zamool Engage, or Dranakis Threshold-like abilities. This ability is Triggered, which means it isn't classified to be stopped by those types of cards. Hune Paltanin can therefore keep your deck alive in this current burn-throwing, ability-stripping meta.
Honorable Mentions:
Garv is a pretty awesome card, as he is considered a caretaker and gives you easy access to flipping gear. He's not loyal, which means that you can use him for gear control in an Overworld deck, or a mixed deck.
Najarin Fluidmorpher's Foe is a factory for Mugic Counters. These Counters can easily pay for multiple/expensive Mugic Cards, and can also be used to give your creatures all the energy they need to keep them alive in combat/against burn.
Intress Natureforce is a pretty cool card. She is one of the best picks for gaining energy, and she sends those huge surges of energy to all cards at once. This means that you can easily cover your team from split burn damage. It also keeps you very much alive in combat.
Olkiex is the source of flip decks. He gives you the power to flip down gear, what more is there to ask?
If I were to ask someone today what the best Underworld creature is in Masters, I almost guarantee that none of them would say Nivenna. Why? No idea, because this little gem gives SO MUCH to your Underworld deck. I find that offense can be hard to come by nowadays without throwing away too much defense. Defense is fairly easy to get: Xerium Armor, energy boosters, etc. Nivenna gives you high offense with the cost of 1 Mugic Counter. That's right folks: element 10, thats 10 extra damage on attack for the element you so wish, for just 1 Mugic Counter. Of course this ability is limited to once per turn, but that doesn't matter. That element 10 is easy offense for the first 3 combats, which generally is all you need. Zamool has always been in a tough spot, because he doesn't have abilities or the stats to pull out high damage. BUT HE DOES HAVE EARTH! Woot! That means you can hook him up with Drilldozer, Algal Wings, whatever you wish and he can still pack a mean punch if you have Nivenna. Forget burn, win yourself combats with Nivenna.
Honorable Mentions:
Ulmar Perithon Racer gives you burn through a renewable ability. Each turn, and each Ulmar PR, will give you 10 damage; and as long as your renewing his fire, you can repeatedly deal that 10 damage.
Agitos Eloquent Motivator I would like to discuss because he eases access to two other powerful cards' abilities: Lord Van Blood Servant of Aa'une's element strip and Galmedar's halting of healing/energy gain. Those two cards need the opponent's courage low for their abilities to work. Agitos EM is the guy that makes those abilities possible against higher courage creatures.
Phelphor isn't used much, but he has a rather rare ability to be able to move your opponent's creatures. This can move one of your opponent's fighters back, or a support up. Either case can help you to make the right combats happen, or stop your opponent from making possibly dangerous combats.
H'earring Tainted also has a rare ability that can mess up your opponent greatly. Often times your opponent can hold on to an attack card they need to win or change a combat, and H'earring Tainted allows you to simply discard that attack, whilst seeing the rest of your opponents hand.
Zamool Lord Van Bloot's Enforcer really needs his own post one day, mainly because his ability gives you great advantage in combat. Sometimes it's enough to fully dominate a game.
Enre-hep High Muge of the Desert should have never been created. His ability can be exploited to play cards that weren't made to be played a multitude of times, AND can be used to reverse what your opponent a taste of his own medicine. Cards like Tonal Destruction was not meant to be played 6 times, but now it's possible. Want to guard your deck from your opponent? Don't worry, because Enre-hep can use a Song of Shelter and apply it to all of your creatures. His ability is INSANE, and gives you access to all new strategies that wouldn't have even been thought of without him.
Honorable Mentions:
Enre-hep(the original) is also very good in Masters play. He gives the most accessibility to applying recklessness to your opponent.
Arkanin is very powerful due to his ability to spend Mugic Counters from your other muges. In mixed decks, this gives you potential for high burn and high healing ability.
Illexia is the card I have chosen for the Danian tribe. Illexia is one of the most powerful cards in all of the game and is a major contributor to why Danians can survive, if not dominate, the current meta. It is highly recommended to find a place for Illexia in your own Danian deck.
Illexia is fundamentally good for a number of reasons we will now discuss.
1. Adjacent creatures gain Defender. This is one of, if not the most, powerful creature ability in the game. By placing Illexia correctly in your deck(the middle row when the game begins) you will have ultimate control over which creature your opponent is able to fight in combat. This allows you to choose a creature from your deck based off of the creature your opponent is engaging with, and to stop your opponent from ignoring your most powerful fighters.
2. Mandiblor count. It is fairly easy to get Mugic Counters onto Illexia, which is actually another strength of hers. Because of Illexia's ability that Mugic Counters on her count as Mandiblors, she allows you to have a higher Mandiblor count than you ever would without her. This greatly strengthens cards like Nimmei and Hermatred, which are already some of the most powerful fighers in the game.
3. Easy Hive access. Though Elna does a great job activating the Hive for you, sometimes that doesn't cut it. Depending on your deck, Illexia can gain 1 Mugic Counter per turn on average. This is a simple back up to activate your Hive.
4. Rough around the edges. Illexia is no puny scout: she comes with Earth and 60 energy. This makes her harder to burn, and more worthy to defend herself if your opponent ever manages to reach her.
Honorable mentions:
Ramarhvir the Danian Hivebringer is usually the center of Danian revival. He can provide multiple, almost infinite, revivals and should definitely be taken seriously.
Neekwin, put simply, is a beast card. When a card has its own meta deck, it usually means that it's the real deal. Taking Neekwins gear away is actually beneficial for this card's already good stats. This also makes him a fit revival card, since he doesn't get gear, or need it, upon revival.
Marrillians actually don't have too versatile of cards, though you should be on guard for their challenge Chieftans. I will breifly discuss, however, Milla'iin Foothold Commander and Ebena'bakku as two very powerful support cards.
Milla'iin Foothold Commander is very much an under-dog. His ability to bring Mugic back is a strong one. Did you want multiple Unheard Melodies? No problem! You can get one every other turn! The reason why Milla'iin fc works is due to Fluidmorphers. Fluidmorphers earn multiple Mugic Counters per turn, and also have their own abilities as to which to spend those Mugic Counters. By dumping all of your Mugic Counters at the end of your opponents turn, you can use Milla'iin's ability with ease while still having Mugic Counters later to spend on your Mugic Cards/abilities.
Ebena'bakku's strength is pretty clear. With Fluidmorphers, and even just high Mugic Counter Minions, you can take away your opponents control over their own attack cards. Attack cards have a lot of influence in Masters, so by switching up the order of which they're played can really make your opponent miss opportunities for gaining/keeping lead over you.
Honorable Mentions:
Gan'trak offers a whole different playstyle to the game. By doing so, your opponent may be unprepared to fight its style of deck.
Dror'niq is a very powerful Fluidmorpher. He's only a common, he has decent energy and has the potential to do 10 damage every time he is attacked. This gives him great damage in combat, often too much for his opponent.
I had to just mention Ursis simply because he is very strong in a strange way. He is a Muge with very high energy. Combining high energy and multiple Mugic Counters: this guy can feed an Arkanin MCs, or buy his own Psionic Serenade. His attack potential is usually fairly low, however, so make sure to use it against him.
I hope you all enjoyed this guide to creatures, and that this new knowledge help you in your next game/deck build!
Please share all your comments!
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Before our discussion, I have to inform you that you will recognize most of these cards to be support creatures. Though there are very many influential cards that are built for combat, 'fighter' cards vary with each deck. Support creatures generally are more versatile, especially these creatures I am about to list to you.
I am convinced that Hune Paltanin is currently the best creature card in current Masters play. There are two reasons to her strength as a support creature.
1. Her stats are fairly impressive. Her Wisdom is off the hook, and her other Disciplines aren't bad either. Though 45 energy isn't particularly threatening, by having 0 elements it is possible to boost her to 65 with an Ikkatosh AK. 65 energy, a dagger or something seems like a fighter's stats to me. On top of all this she has 2 Mugic Counters that can help purchase your Mugic Cards, since you won't need to reserve MCs on her for an activated ability.
2. Hune Paltanin has what we call a Triggered ability, and a good one too. Every time your opponent spends a Mugic Counter, she heals for 10 damage. Oh my! Let's break this down. First, spending Mugic Counters potentially happens more than gaining them(suck it Najarin FF), because creatures start out with Mugic Counters to spend. Second, a large portion of burn cards/abilities are about 10 damage per Mugic Counter, in which case she would completely negate. Thirdly, her ability is to a target. Yes, it may mean you can't heal untargetable cards, though those creatures probably aren't receiving burn anyway. What it does mean is that it isn't limited to combat or creatures in combat, and can be dished out to a different creature each time it is triggered. Finally, and most importantly, this ability will STILL WORK even after Ice Disks, Zamool Engage, or Dranakis Threshold-like abilities. This ability is Triggered, which means it isn't classified to be stopped by those types of cards. Hune Paltanin can therefore keep your deck alive in this current burn-throwing, ability-stripping meta.
Honorable Mentions:
Garv is a pretty awesome card, as he is considered a caretaker and gives you easy access to flipping gear. He's not loyal, which means that you can use him for gear control in an Overworld deck, or a mixed deck.
Najarin Fluidmorpher's Foe is a factory for Mugic Counters. These Counters can easily pay for multiple/expensive Mugic Cards, and can also be used to give your creatures all the energy they need to keep them alive in combat/against burn.
Intress Natureforce is a pretty cool card. She is one of the best picks for gaining energy, and she sends those huge surges of energy to all cards at once. This means that you can easily cover your team from split burn damage. It also keeps you very much alive in combat.
Olkiex is the source of flip decks. He gives you the power to flip down gear, what more is there to ask?
If I were to ask someone today what the best Underworld creature is in Masters, I almost guarantee that none of them would say Nivenna. Why? No idea, because this little gem gives SO MUCH to your Underworld deck. I find that offense can be hard to come by nowadays without throwing away too much defense. Defense is fairly easy to get: Xerium Armor, energy boosters, etc. Nivenna gives you high offense with the cost of 1 Mugic Counter. That's right folks: element 10, thats 10 extra damage on attack for the element you so wish, for just 1 Mugic Counter. Of course this ability is limited to once per turn, but that doesn't matter. That element 10 is easy offense for the first 3 combats, which generally is all you need. Zamool has always been in a tough spot, because he doesn't have abilities or the stats to pull out high damage. BUT HE DOES HAVE EARTH! Woot! That means you can hook him up with Drilldozer, Algal Wings, whatever you wish and he can still pack a mean punch if you have Nivenna. Forget burn, win yourself combats with Nivenna.
Honorable Mentions:
Ulmar Perithon Racer gives you burn through a renewable ability. Each turn, and each Ulmar PR, will give you 10 damage; and as long as your renewing his fire, you can repeatedly deal that 10 damage.
Agitos Eloquent Motivator I would like to discuss because he eases access to two other powerful cards' abilities: Lord Van Blood Servant of Aa'une's element strip and Galmedar's halting of healing/energy gain. Those two cards need the opponent's courage low for their abilities to work. Agitos EM is the guy that makes those abilities possible against higher courage creatures.
Phelphor isn't used much, but he has a rather rare ability to be able to move your opponent's creatures. This can move one of your opponent's fighters back, or a support up. Either case can help you to make the right combats happen, or stop your opponent from making possibly dangerous combats.
H'earring Tainted also has a rare ability that can mess up your opponent greatly. Often times your opponent can hold on to an attack card they need to win or change a combat, and H'earring Tainted allows you to simply discard that attack, whilst seeing the rest of your opponents hand.
Zamool Lord Van Bloot's Enforcer really needs his own post one day, mainly because his ability gives you great advantage in combat. Sometimes it's enough to fully dominate a game.
Enre-hep High Muge of the Desert should have never been created. His ability can be exploited to play cards that weren't made to be played a multitude of times, AND can be used to reverse what your opponent a taste of his own medicine. Cards like Tonal Destruction was not meant to be played 6 times, but now it's possible. Want to guard your deck from your opponent? Don't worry, because Enre-hep can use a Song of Shelter and apply it to all of your creatures. His ability is INSANE, and gives you access to all new strategies that wouldn't have even been thought of without him.
Honorable Mentions:
Enre-hep(the original) is also very good in Masters play. He gives the most accessibility to applying recklessness to your opponent.
Arkanin is very powerful due to his ability to spend Mugic Counters from your other muges. In mixed decks, this gives you potential for high burn and high healing ability.
Illexia is the card I have chosen for the Danian tribe. Illexia is one of the most powerful cards in all of the game and is a major contributor to why Danians can survive, if not dominate, the current meta. It is highly recommended to find a place for Illexia in your own Danian deck.
Illexia is fundamentally good for a number of reasons we will now discuss.
1. Adjacent creatures gain Defender. This is one of, if not the most, powerful creature ability in the game. By placing Illexia correctly in your deck(the middle row when the game begins) you will have ultimate control over which creature your opponent is able to fight in combat. This allows you to choose a creature from your deck based off of the creature your opponent is engaging with, and to stop your opponent from ignoring your most powerful fighters.
2. Mandiblor count. It is fairly easy to get Mugic Counters onto Illexia, which is actually another strength of hers. Because of Illexia's ability that Mugic Counters on her count as Mandiblors, she allows you to have a higher Mandiblor count than you ever would without her. This greatly strengthens cards like Nimmei and Hermatred, which are already some of the most powerful fighers in the game.
3. Easy Hive access. Though Elna does a great job activating the Hive for you, sometimes that doesn't cut it. Depending on your deck, Illexia can gain 1 Mugic Counter per turn on average. This is a simple back up to activate your Hive.
4. Rough around the edges. Illexia is no puny scout: she comes with Earth and 60 energy. This makes her harder to burn, and more worthy to defend herself if your opponent ever manages to reach her.
Honorable mentions:
Ramarhvir the Danian Hivebringer is usually the center of Danian revival. He can provide multiple, almost infinite, revivals and should definitely be taken seriously.
Neekwin, put simply, is a beast card. When a card has its own meta deck, it usually means that it's the real deal. Taking Neekwins gear away is actually beneficial for this card's already good stats. This also makes him a fit revival card, since he doesn't get gear, or need it, upon revival.
Marrillians actually don't have too versatile of cards, though you should be on guard for their challenge Chieftans. I will breifly discuss, however, Milla'iin Foothold Commander and Ebena'bakku as two very powerful support cards.
Milla'iin Foothold Commander is very much an under-dog. His ability to bring Mugic back is a strong one. Did you want multiple Unheard Melodies? No problem! You can get one every other turn! The reason why Milla'iin fc works is due to Fluidmorphers. Fluidmorphers earn multiple Mugic Counters per turn, and also have their own abilities as to which to spend those Mugic Counters. By dumping all of your Mugic Counters at the end of your opponents turn, you can use Milla'iin's ability with ease while still having Mugic Counters later to spend on your Mugic Cards/abilities.
Ebena'bakku's strength is pretty clear. With Fluidmorphers, and even just high Mugic Counter Minions, you can take away your opponents control over their own attack cards. Attack cards have a lot of influence in Masters, so by switching up the order of which they're played can really make your opponent miss opportunities for gaining/keeping lead over you.
Honorable Mentions:
Gan'trak offers a whole different playstyle to the game. By doing so, your opponent may be unprepared to fight its style of deck.
Dror'niq is a very powerful Fluidmorpher. He's only a common, he has decent energy and has the potential to do 10 damage every time he is attacked. This gives him great damage in combat, often too much for his opponent.
I had to just mention Ursis simply because he is very strong in a strange way. He is a Muge with very high energy. Combining high energy and multiple Mugic Counters: this guy can feed an Arkanin MCs, or buy his own Psionic Serenade. His attack potential is usually fairly low, however, so make sure to use it against him.
I hope you all enjoyed this guide to creatures, and that this new knowledge help you in your next game/deck build!
Please share all your comments!
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