Rol'doi/Amber Shard - Blaaxa/Azaia Mindprobe - Rol'doi/Amber Shard
Akkalbi/Challor - Okaxor/Muge's Tuningfork
Attacks (20 cards)
2x Aqua Recoil
2x Charge of the Brave
2x Daunting Bravery
2x Deluge of Doom
2x Evaporize
2x Frightening Muck
2x Kha'rall Crush
2x Rip Tide
2x Rustoxic
2x Shadow Strike
Battlegear (6 cards)
1x AZAIA Mindprobe
2x Challor
2x Kha'rall Amber Shard
1x Muge's Tuningfork
Creatures (6 cards)
1x Akkalbi
1x Blaaxa
1x Okaxor
2x Rol'doi
1x Xis'torq
Locations (10 cards)
2x Herken's Feast
2x Kiru City Tunnels
2x Silchaw's Mine (Fire and Stone Preview)
2x The Phalanx Portcullis
2x The Swartbron
Mugic (6 cards)
2x Aria of Enragement
1x Interlude of Interuption
1x Refrain of Denial
2x Vexing Waveform
Rol'doi/Amber Shard - Blaaxa/Azaia Mindprobe - Rol'doi/Amber Shard
Akkalbi/Challor - Okaxor/Muge's Tuningfork
Attacks (20 cards)
2x Aqua Recoil
2x Charge of the Brave
2x Daunting Bravery
2x Deluge of Doom
2x Evaporize
2x Frightening Muck
2x Kha'rall Crush
2x Rip Tide
2x Rustoxic
2x Shadow Strike
Battlegear (6 cards)
1x AZAIA Mindprobe
2x Challor
2x Kha'rall Amber Shard
1x Muge's Tuningfork
Creatures (6 cards)
1x Akkalbi
1x Blaaxa
1x Okaxor
2x Rol'doi
1x Xis'torq
Locations (10 cards)
2x Herken's Feast
2x Kiru City Tunnels
2x Silchaw's Mine (Fire and Stone Preview)
2x The Phalanx Portcullis
2x The Swartbron
Mugic (6 cards)
2x Aria of Enragement
1x Interlude of Interuption
1x Refrain of Denial
2x Vexing Waveform